Wisdom Teeth Removal in Downers Grove & Elmhurst

At Premier Orthodontics & Dental Specialists, we can extract your wisdom teeth to help you avoid dental health problems.

About Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The four molars located at the very back corners of your mouth are called “wisdom teeth” and typically erupt between 17 to 25 years. They may become impacted (fail to erupt) due to lack of room in the jaw or angle of entry.

The most common type of impacted wisdom tooth is “mesial,” which means the tooth is angled forward toward the front of your mouth. If it is not removed, you may develop gum tenderness, swelling, or even severe pain.

The wisdom teeth often become impacted and can cause dental health complications. If this happens, an oral surgeon like Dr. Sam Elbatanouny should extract the teeth to help you avoid problems such as teeth decay, cavities, cysts, and infections.

Impacted wisdom teeth that are partially or fully erupted tend to be quite difficult to clean and are susceptible to tooth decay, recurring infections, and even gum disease.

Illustrated cross-section

How Wisdom Teeth Extraction Works

Each patient’s situation is unique at Premier Orthodontics & Dental Specialists. Dr. Sam Elbatanouny will usually take a panoramic X-ray to determine whether your wisdom teeth will need to be removed. If he recommends the removal of your wisdom teeth, it is best to have them removed sooner rather than later.

Wisdom teeth are typically removed during the late teens or early twenties because there is a greater chance the roots have not fully formed and the bone surrounding the teeth is less dense. These two factors can make extraction easier, as well as recovery time much shorter.

To remove a wisdom tooth, Dr. Sam Elbatanouny first needs to numb the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic. He can use additional medication, such as nitrous oxide, IV sedation, or general anesthesia, to sedate you safely during the extraction if you are feeling nervous about the procedure.

Since the impacted tooth may still be under the gums and embedded in your jaw bone, Dr. Sam will need to remove a portion of the covering bone to extract the tooth. To minimize the amount of bone removed with the tooth, Dr. Sam Elbatanouny may may “section” (cut into pieces) your wisdom tooth so he can remove each piece through a small opening in the bone.

Once your wisdom teeth have been extracted, the healing process begins. Healing time varies, depending on the degree of difficulty related to the extraction. We will let you know what to expect and provide instructions for a comfortable, efficient healing process.

Braces Elmhurst

General Tooth Extraction

Dr. Radu and Dr. Elbatanouny try to avoid extractions as much as possible because our goal is to preserve the health and lifespan of your natural teeth. However, there are circumstances when extracting a tooth is in your best interest.

Sometimes a baby tooth has misshapen or long roots that prevent it from falling out as it should, and it must be removed to make way for the permanent tooth to erupt.

At other times, a tooth may have so much decay that it puts the surrounding teeth and jaw at risk, so we may recommend removal and replacement with a bridge or implant.

Teeth Extraction in Downers Grove & Elmhurst

Infection, orthodontic correction, or problems with a wisdom tooth can also require the removal of a tooth. Dr. Corina Radu or Dr. Sam Elbatanouny may recommend tooth extraction if you have decayed teeth that cannot be restored, impacted wisdom teeth, teeth that are loose and cause pain when chewing, or severe crowding.

If this is your case, don’t worry, extraction is a pain-free process and we offer sedation for patients who suffer from dental anxiety.

The healing process from extraction will last anywhere from one to seven days depending on the type of extraction you have and your body’s healing ability.

Illustration of a Tooth Extraction

The root of each tooth is encased within your jawbone in a “tooth socket,” and your tooth is held in that socket by a ligament. In order to extract a tooth, an oral surgeon must expand the socket and separate the tooth from the ligament that holds it in place.

In some cases, a root is curved or very long, and the tooth socket cannot be widened enough to remove the tooth as a whole. In this case, the surgeon will section the tooth to remove it in pieces.

Though the extraction procedure is typically very quick, it is important to share with our office any concerns or preferences for sedation. We generally utilize a local anesthetic for simple tooth extractions. During the extraction, you will not feel any pain, but you will feel pressure.

Once a tooth has been removed, you will need to place pressure on the area so a clot can form. After the clot has formed, do not rinse vigorously, suck on a straw, smoke, drink alcohol, or brush your teeth next to the extraction site for 72 hours. That could dislodge the clot and lead to excessive bleeding.

If you experience pain and swelling, apply an ice pack to the area and take pain medications as prescribed by Dr. Corina Radu or Dr. Sam Elbatanouny. Any residual swelling and discomfort should disappear in a few days. If it doesn’t, contact our office.